- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
The Healing Pool
You are deep down in a cave of a giant mountain. You feel save, guarded and protected by these huge and strong mass of earth around you.
The cave walls are shimmering in a strong blue light emerging from the water of a small pool right in front of you. The water is crystal clear and small bubbles arise from the ground. As you look closely you can see golden sparks of light flowing around in and above the watersurface.
You carefully dip one of your toes in the water and feel that the temperature is just right. Not too warm and not too cold. Exactly what you need right now.
You strip off your cloth and slowly step inside the water. The pool is not deep and there are stones around the edges and inside the water to sit or lie on. You slowly let youself glide into that glowing blue and feel a slight tingle all over your skin where the water surrounds you.
The slow and soft vibrations of the water are reaching deep into your body. As you relax you can feel the water washing around every muscle and every bone, flowing around any areas of physical or emotional tension or pain, gently and consistently rinsing them out.
The golden sparks of the water are flowing through your veins attaching to every cell of your body. You can lead these golden lights and vibrations to every part of your body. Wherever you need it these sparks will form a golden light of healing.
You can stay here as long as you want to and return whenever you want to.
When you leave the water you can feel the golden vibrations of healing are still inside you, gently surrounding and comforting any areas of pain or tension wherever you go and whatever you do.
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License details for "The Healing Pool"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Deep on a Waterfall by Cosmo235, https://freesound.org/people/cosmo235/sounds/380766/ +)
- Cave Ambient by Dag Bateway +)
- Bubbles by felix.blume from http://freesound.org +)
- chimes by Fishdog from http://freesound.org +)
- Water Dripping in Cave by http://www.everythingsounds.org/ +)
- Particle Mask Breath by https://freesound.org +)
- Angel breath by thatjeffcarter from http://freesound.org/ +)
- Underwater fountain by Tomlija from http://freesound.org +)