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Prattling Mortals
Unfortunately this is a Doctor Who reference. Good thing I don't care who does or does not like this, because I like it. Clara's theme is my favorite and I think it adds an uplifting mood to the mix.
Comments for "Prattling Mortals"
License details for "Prattling Mortals"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Cat walking on dead leaves acn by Amanda Nagell +)
- Pen on Paper by Anthousai +)
- Kids Voices Natural Reverb by Cornwallis89 +)
- Mortar and Pestle grinding tea by DarkJoker +)
- Clara's theme full by Gkaterle +)
- English River Estuary by kernowrules from +)
- Improvised humming by Không +)
- breeze rustling trees by nhgk178 from +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License