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Om Be Aunts
This is a technical test of binaural oscillation creation to push the limits of what makes sense. Basically I want to know what wave form does what, and explore oscillations.
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License details for "Om Be Aunts"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Binaural Beats at 1/2 Hz Delta by Dalesnale Noise +)
- Choral Humming w/ Drums by Dilpreet Bhatia +)
- Binaural 8Hz Vibrato on 100Hz by Hemi-Sync +)
- Focus 3 Harmonics by Hemi-Sync +)
- Om to Ah to Om Chant by Hemi-Sync +)
- Binaural Beats_Delta_440_440-5 by pbabin from +)
- 03 - Solfeggio 396 Hz Binaural by the_very_Real_Horst from +)
- 7.83 Schumann Resonance by Winfried Otto Schumann +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License