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Dark and Stormy Train Ride
It was just a drizzle when you were standing on the platform. But as the train rolls away and you watch the sky fade from gray to grayer, it almost seems as if you and the storm are travelling along together—both headed to parts unknown.
As you listen to the rain on the window and the constant, muffled clack of the train, you close your eyes and let yourself drift along—sleepily, happily. You think of what lies ahead; a crisp peal of thunder lights a sizzle of excitement in your bones and you smile into the night.
Comments for "Dark and Stormy Train Ride"
License details for "Dark and Stormy Train Ride"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Thunder Clap (dry, crisp) by Dave Welsh from +)
- thunder by Erdie from +)
- Rain on a Window by InspectorJ +)
- Distant freight train by joshs from +)
- Pre thunderstorm by RHumphries from +)
- Thunder, crispy bang by RHumphries from +)
- Rain, interior long by Tourbillion +)
- train by vahid +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License
Image from: Ben Brooksbank