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Can't Live Without Changbin
Can't live without Changbin was a song Chan, Han, and Changbin made on Vlive as a joke. I absolutely adore it. It's such a cute song and you can tell the sentiment is real. I know I've only done Bts up until now, but I do enjoy listening to other Kpop artists, so you may be hearing more from other artists. Here are the English lyrics. Please forgive me if I get them wrong.
Changbin: (Voice over) Ah... What should I eat today?
If I eat at night, I.N will whine.
I need to eat a good lunch, as soon as possible.
I need to eat soon. So what should I get?
No, I need to order with principle.
Chan:(Singing) In a dark world, without Seo Changbin
I'll be broken
Even if I don't see him for a little while
The principles in my life will disappear
I'm slowly falling in Changbins Charms
Even his flaws are attractive.
What do we do with this Dwaekki?
What do you mean, what do we do?
I love you Dwaekki!
All I need is you
Han: (Singing) No matter if you are a pig, elephant or a rabbit
You're always Dwaekki or are you a pig
No, you lost a lot of weight, lost sight of your roots
(Rapping) Hyung, you've lost too much weight, lost sight of your roots
What happened to your habit of ordering food late at night?
Why are you working out now?
The dongsaengs heart really hurts watching hyungs chin slim down
My heart hurts so much I want to get some vitamin C for you
Hyung is my dwaekki or just a pig, no walrus suits you
The hyung I love, Seo Changbin, Even your rap name is loveable, SpearB
Hyung your voice is like a muyaho, always quietly whispering in my ear
Of course I love everything about our hyung,
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License details for "Can't Live Without Changbin"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Can't Live Without Changbin by A.Price +)
- Tea Cup Clinking sc by ahill86 +)
- Slow log fire with some pops by Nicolle Melanson-Powell +)
- Distant rolling thunder by RHumphries from http://freesound.org +)
- Heavy Rain indoord by The Guild of Ambience +)
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